ReDBox Development Roadmap


Proposed enhancements 1.9

  1. Improve curation performance -  Improve the speed of curating identifiers via the new external curation manager
  2. Upgrade the Data Collection form to support RIF-CS 1.6 - Various form changes to collect the necessary values to generate RIF-CS 1.6 for Research Data Australia as well as general usability enhancements.
  3. Upgrade workflow framework - Make enhancements to the underlying workflow framework to improve it's flexibility, including changes so that a record does not need to be created before editing takes place (removing the multiple Untitled records phenomenon)
  4. Improve support for research data storage - Support sending research data to more robust storage platforms such as object storage.
  5. Improve search & discovery capabilities - Upgrade back end search platform to newer version and expose features in the user interface. e.g. Advanced search, improved faceting, geo-spatial searching
  6. Support Curation of ORCID identifiers - Support the curation of ORCID for researchers
  7. Support Harvest configuration management via the Administration Interface - Allow harvest configurations to be uploaded/started/stopped via the ReDBox Administration Interface
  8. Bring Mint & ReDBox's functionality together - Make ReDBox simpler to maintain and manage by bringing together Mint and ReDBox's functionality together. Should also open the possibility to allow editing/enhancing data in Mint via the user interface
  9. Update ReDBox styling and look and feel - Make ReDBox use a modern front end framework so that it's mobile friendly. Also review form layout and widgets used so that they're more intuitive to use.


JIRA Report


key summary type priority status resolution



Proposed enhancements 2.0

  1. Migrate to single web application framework - Rewrite web portal to remove Java, python, jython, tapestry(mvc), velocity templates, to make modern and make it easier to update.
  2. Migrate server codebase -  Planned migration to replace ReDBox server functionality to a platform such as Node.JS
  3. Separate presentation from backend via RESTFUL API - Open up additional functionality to access via API’s. Completely separate presentation layer from logic layer. 
  4. Improved theming in web portal - Provide increasing options for theming of web portal including changes to make it modern and responsive to mobile devices
  5. Allow for synchronous processes - In ReDBox 1.x all processing is asynchronous which causes some unexpected effects in the user interface. The ability to allow configurable synchronous processes (on the same thread) in the same way  as we do for asynchronous processes should fix this.