Disabling NLA Curation

aCurrently there are issues with the NLA Harvester harvesting Mint's eac-cpf feed, preventing records from curating. This walkthrough will allow you to disable NLA curation temporarily and restore it when all issues are resolved.

Step-by-step guide

Disabling NLA Integration

NLA integration is configured in the system-config.json, in the curation section, you will need to set the "nlaIntegration" "enabled" property to false

 "curation": {
        "curationEmailAddress": "${admin.email}",
        "curationRequiresConfirmation": false,
        "pidProperty": "handle",
        "nlaIntegration": {
            "enabled": false,
            "pidProperty": "nlaPid",
            "agencyCode": "TO-DO",
            "agencyName": "The University of Examples, Australia",
            "includeTest": {
                "repository.name": "People"


Fixing records already in the curation process

If you have already tried to publish records and are currently waiting NLA curation, you may need to re-trigger the curation process for the given record.

  1. Go to the details page of the data collection record that is awaiting curation and obtain the record's identifier. You can find it on the page's url (http://<redbox domain>/redbox/default/detail/<recordId>/)
  2. Go to the queue management page, you can find it in the admin menu as the "Queues" option
  3. In the "Test Message Queue" section, ensure "transactionManager" is selected in the Queue dropdown.
  4. In the Message text area, place the following message (replacing <recordId> with the value found in step 1)

  5. Press the Send button, the interface won't provide any feedback but a message is sent to the queue.

Re-enabling NLA Integration

Re-enabling NLA integration, you will need to simply set the "nlaIntegration" "enabled" property to true

 "curation": {
        "curationEmailAddress": "${admin.email}",
        "curationRequiresConfirmation": false,
        "pidProperty": "handle",
        "nlaIntegration": {
            "enabled": true,
            "pidProperty": "nlaPid",
            "agencyCode": "TO-DO",
            "agencyName": "The University of Examples, Australia",
            "includeTest": {
                "repository.name": "People"


However any records that were curated while NLA Integration was disabled will still have local identifiers. To fix this a data migration will be required, some migration scripts will be developed and a step by step guide will be provided.

Related articles

NLA Integration on the redboxresearchdata website