Moving a record through the workflow

Workflow Stages Definition

For records that contain a workflow, the stages defined for that workflow are described in the package configuration in home/harvest. See the configuring a workflow section of the set up a new workflow documentation for an example of a definition.

The workflow.metadata datastream

The workflow.metadata stream defines the current workflow state in JSON format. To modify the workflow state, you will need to retrieve this datastream and modify it's values. A sample of the datastream is below

"id": "dataset",
"step": "metadata-review",
"pageTitle": "Metadata Record",
"label": "Metadata Review"

Example (Curl)

1. Get the workflow.metadata datastream


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx" "http://localhost:9000/redbox/api/v1/datastream/e0220ec80b52e04da72813801b934da8?datastreamId=workflow.metadata"


    "id": "dataset",
    "step": "investigation",
    "pageTitle": "Metadata Record",
    "label": "Investigation"


2. Update the workflow.metadata datastream


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "content=@workflow.metadata" "http://localhost:9000/redbox/api/v1/datastream/e0220ec80b52e04da72813801b934da8?datastreamId=workflow.metadata"


    "code": "200",
    "oid": "e0220ec80b52e04da72813801b934da8"