Create a new record

Determining the package type

To create a record, the package type you'd like to create has to be specified. If you are not sure of the package types available, you can find a listing of them by using the API's Server Information method.

Creating a new record

To create a new record, use the API's create a new object method, supplying the desired package type for the record and the record metadata in the post body.

Example (Curl)


1. Get package type listing




curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx"  "https://localhost:9000/redbox/api/v1/info"


    "code": "200",
    "institution": "University of Examples",
    "applicationVersion": "1.9",
    "packageTypes": [


2. Create a new record


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxx"  -d '{
    "title": "Created via the API",
    "viewId": "default",
    "packageType": "dataset",
    "description": "A description",
    "redbox:newForm": "false",
    "redbox:formVersion": "1.8.1-SNAPSHOT",
    "dc:title": "Created via the API",
    "dc:type.rdf:PlainLiteral": "",
    "dc:type.skos:prefLabel": "",
    "dc:created": "2016-07-29",
    "dc:modified": "",
    "xmlns:dc": "",
    "xmlns:foaf": "",
    "xmlns:anzsrc": "",
    "metaList": [
}' "http://localhost:9000/redbox/api/v1/object/dataset"


  "code": "200",
  "oid": "4a7eb6df1b6aeca80dcc5257b1c56cda"